The Face Holding Back Tears Emoji represents more than a person not crying. It shows our complex feelings that can lift or break our hearts.
🥹 depicts sadness, grief, and heartbreak. We've felt it before - when your heart breaks but you won't let others see you cry. Perhaps a difficult breakup, or loss of a loved one. This emoji captures holding it together as everything falls apart.
However, the Face Holding Back Tears Emoji can symbolize strength, resilience, and resolve. Sometimes you must stay brave and push forward, even when wanting to surrender. Perhaps a big job problem or needing to help family in a tough phase. Either way, this emoji can depict that strong will to keep going, even when tough.
🥹 represents more than feelings; it reflects vulnerability's power. We try containing tears and appearing brave due to fearing vulnerability or weakness. Yet truly, vulnerability demands immense courage, letting ourselves feel fully.
Sometimes it's used lightly to show emotions that are meaningful yet mild. You may watch a sentimental movie scene and want friends to know you're tearing up without making a fuss. Or you could have a tough day at work and need to vent a bit without seeming overemotional.
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Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Face Holding Back Tears emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.
Representations : face holding back tears, angry, cry, proud, resist, sad can be represented by 🥹 emoji.
but currently not supported in Samsung, LG, HTC, Microsoft, Messenger, Mozilla, Emojidex
Face Holding Back Tears may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Face Holding Back Tears emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Face Holding Back Tears can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in Samsung, LG, HTC, Microsoft, Messenger, Mozilla, Emojidex. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Face Holding Back Tears emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.
This emoji was release under Emoji 14.0 with Unicode 14.0 on September 14, 2021. Android 12L update by Google was the first to bring in Face Holding Back Tears emoji on October 27, 2021. Soon Twitter, Apple, WhatsApp, Facebook added the emoji on March 8, 2022, March 14, 2022, April 19, 2022, April 20, 2022 respectively.
Language | Short Name |
Spanish | cara conteniendo las lágrimas, enojado, llorar, orgulloso, resistir, triste |
German | Gesicht hält Tränen zurück, wütend, weinen, stolz, widerstehen, traurig |
French | visage retenant ses larmes, en colère, cri, fier, résister, triste |
Russian | лицо, сдерживающее слезы, злое, плачущее, гордое, сопротивляющееся, грустное |
Italian | faccia trattenendo le lacrime, arrabbiato, piangere, orgoglioso, resistere, triste |
Portuguese | rosto segurando as lágrimas, com raiva, chorar, orgulhoso, resistir, triste |
Unicode : | U+1F979 |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity: | 🥹 |
Decimal HTML Entity: | 🥹 |